File: javascript\src\RAMP\Utils\tmplUtil.js
/* global define */
* Utility module containing useful static classes.
* @module Utils
* A set of functions that can be accessed within templates
* @class TmplUtil
* @static
function () {
"use strict";
return {
* Given a feature object or a graphic object (or any object that has a getLayer method and an
* attributes field) return the image URL for that feature/graphic object.
* NOTE: all dependent functions should be wroten as nested functions inside the caller function, otherwise TmplEx templating library won't identify
* @method getGraphicIcon
* @param {Graphic} feature
* @param {Object} layerConfig
* @return {String} imageUrl Url to the features symbology image
getGraphicIcon: function (graphic, layerConfig) {
var symbolConfig = layerConfig.symbology;
//TODO expand logic. Need to handle up to 3 keys in unique renderer. Need to handle Ranged renderer
switch (symbolConfig.renderer.type) {
case "unique":
var key = graphic.attributes[symbolConfig.renderer.key1];
return symbolConfig.icons[key].imageUrl;
case "simple":
return symbolConfig.icons["default"].imageUrl;
return symbolConfig.icons["default"].imageUrl;
* Given a feature object or a graphic object (or any object that has a getLayer method and an
* attributes field) return the attribute value for its designaed "name" field
* NOTE: all dependent functions should be wroten as nested functions inside the caller function, otherwise TmplEx templating library won't identify
* @method getFeatureName
* @param {Graphic} feature
* @param {Object} layerConfig
* @return {String} imageUrl Url to the features symbology image
getFeatureName: function (graphic, layerConfig) {
return graphic.attributes[layerConfig.nameField];
* Given a feature object return the objectid for that item.
* This will likely fail on a non-feature object (e.g. a plain graphic)
* NOTE: all dependent functions should be wroten as nested functions inside the caller function, otherwise TmplEx templating library won't identify
* @method getObjectId
* @param {Graphic} feature
* @return {Integer} objectId
getObjectId: function (graphic) {
return graphic.attributes[graphic.getLayer().objectIdField];
* Helper function, get attribute value by field name
* @method getAttributeValueByName
* @param {Object} graphic ?
* @param {String} fieldName ?
getAttributeValueByName: function (graphic, fieldName) {
return graphic.attributes[fieldName];