API Docs for: 0.0.8-0

File: javascript\src\RAMP\Modules\bookmarkLink.js

/*global define */

* BookmarkLink submodule
* Keeps track of the current state of the map and updates the GetLinkPanel's textbook accordingly. On page load, if any
* parameters are detected in the URL, this module will attempt to recreate the map according to the parameters. Internally,
* this module subscribes to all events that change the state of the map (e.g. extent-change, layers toggled on/off). It contains
* a dictionary that map event names to an object that contains the minimum information needed to reconstruct the map for that particular
* event. For example, if an extent change occurred, this module will add a key "map/extent-change" (or update if the entry already exists)
* and put an object that contains the minimum information needed to reconstruct the map to that extent (in this case it would be
* xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax. Spatial reference is not needed since the map always has the same spatial reference).
* @module RAMP
* @submodule BookmarkLink
* @main BookmarkLink

* BookmarkLink class.
* ### Steps for making the bookmark link update with an event
* 1. Subscribe to the event of interest (e.g. map extent-change)
* 2. Create an object containing fields that will contain the necessary
*    information for reconstructing the map to the same state. (e.g. for
*    map extent-change, a useful object might be one that represents the
*    current extent of the map: `{ xmin : 123, xmax : 456, ymin : 789, ymax : 000}).`
*   __IMPORTANT__: the object must be serializable since it will be added to the URL and
*   should serialize to a reasonable length String. If the fields contain
*   non-primatives, e.g. array, object, one must manually serialize the field first.
*   Also only use anonymous objects with custom fields, do not use class objects
*   (e.g. use an anonymous { } object to store map extent instead of ESRI's map
*   {{#crossLink "Esri/geometry/Extent"}}{{/crossLink}} object, since it will contain other fields and methods that will also
*   be serialized).
* 3. Call updateURL, passing it a name (e.g. "newExtent") and the object
*    (a name is required for efficiency, this way the URL will only need to
*    serialize and update the given object instead of all objects).
* @class BookmarkLink
* @static
* @uses dojo/_base/declare
* @uses require
* @uses dojo/dom-construct
* @uses dojo/io-query
* @uses dojo/_base/lang
* @uses dojo/dom
* @uses dojo/_base/array
* @uses dojo/topic
* @uses dijit/form/TextBox
* @uses dijit/TitlePane
* @uses esri/geometry/Extent
* @uses GlobalStorage
* @uses Url
* @uses Util
* @uses Dictionary
* @uses PopupManager
* @uses EventManager

// Dojo
        "dojo/_base/declare", "require", "dojo/dom-construct", "dojo/io-query", "dojo/_base/lang",
        "dojo/dom", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/topic", "dijit/form/TextBox", "dijit/TitlePane",
// Esri
// Ramp
        "ramp/globalStorage", "ramp/map", "ramp/eventManager",
// Util
        "utils/url", "utils/util", "utils/dictionary", "utils/popupManager"

    function (
    // Dojo
        declare, dojoRequire, dojoDomConstruct, dojoQuery, dojoLang,
        dojoDom, dojoArray, topic, TextBox, TitlePane,
    // Esri
    // Ramp
        GlobalStorage, RampMap, EventManager,
    // Util
        Url, utilMisc, utilDict, popupManager) {
        "use strict";

        var EVENT_ROOT = "bookmarkLink/", // trailing '/' is important

        // Using constants so we can have intellisense and not make silly typos
            EVENT_EXTENT_CHANGE = "extentChange",
            EVENT_FULLSCREEN = "fullscreen",
            EVENT_PANEL_CHANGE = "panelChange",
            EVENT_TAB_CHANGE = "selectedTab",
            EVENT_BASEMAP_CHANGED = "basemapChange",
            EVENT_FILTER_GLOBAL_LAYER = "globalLayer",
            EVENT_FILTER_GLOBAL_BOX = "globalBox",
            EVENT_FILTER_VISIBLE_LAYERS = "activeLayers",
            EVENT_FILTER_VISIBLE_BOXES = "activeBoxes",
            HREF_MAILTO_TEMPLATE = "mailto:?subject={0}&body={1}%0D%0A%0D%0A{2}",







            cssButtonPressedClass = "button-pressed",

            isShortLinkMode = false,


        * A dictionary mapping names (String) to query parameter (String) of the URL. The query parameter is
        * what ends up in the url. The key can be any arbitrary name (best to name them to describe the query
        * parameter).
        * @private
        * @property parameters
        * @type {Object}
            parameters = {},

        * A dictionary mapping names (String) to anchors (String) used at the end of the URL.
        * @private
        * @property anchors
        * @type {Object}
            anchors = {},

        * A dictionary mapping layer id (String) to layer objects (FeatureLayer) that are currently visible on the map.
        * @private
        * @property visibleLayers
        * @type {Object}
            visibleLayers = {},

        * A set containing the names of all the layers that currently have their bounding boxes
        * toggled on (the key is the name and the value is arbitrary, currently set to "true").
        * @private
        * @property visibleBoxes
        * @type {Object}
            visibleBoxes = {},

            ui = {
                * Initiates additional UI components of the widget, setting listeners and other stuff.
                * @method init
                * @private
                * @constructor
                init: function () {
                    getlinkloadinganimation = $("#getlink-section .loadingAnimation");

                    getlinkEmailButton = $(".getlink-email-button");

                    getlinkToggle = $("#getlink-toggle");
                    getlinkSectionContainer = $("#getlink-section-container");
                    getlinkSection = $("#getlink-section");

                    // select link when user focuses on the textbox http://stackoverflow.com/a/22102081
                    linkPaneTextbox =
                        .on('focus', function () {
                            var $this = $(this)
                                .one('mouseup.mouseupSelect', function () {
                                    return false;
                                .one('mousedown', function () {
                                    // compensate for untriggered 'mouseup' caused by focus via tab

                    // toggle short/long link mode on click
                    getlinkShortenButton =
                        .on("click", toggleShortLinkMode);

                    getlinkPopup = popupManager.registerPopup(getlinkToggle, "click",
                        function (d) {
                            topic.publish(EventManager.BookmarkLink.GETLINKPANEL_CHANGED, {
                                visible: true
                            console.log(EventManager.BookmarkLink.GETLINKPANEL_CHANGED + " visible:", true);

                            getlinkSectionContainer.slideDown("fast", function () {
                            activeClass: cssButtonPressedClass,
                            target: getlinkSectionContainer,
                            closeHandler: function (d) {
                                topic.publish(EventManager.BookmarkLink.GETLINKPANEL_CHANGED, {
                                    visible: false
                                console.log(EventManager.BookmarkLink.GETLINKPANEL_CHANGED + " visible:", false);

                                getlinkSectionContainer.slideUp("fast", function () {

                    topic.subscribe(EventManager.GUI.HELP_PANEL_CHANGE, function (attr) {
                        if (getlinkPopup.isOpen() && attr.visible) {
        function initTopics() {
            /* PUBLISH */
        function initListeners() {
            /* SUBSCRIBE */

        * Update the parameter dictionary with the new values for the parameter. If paramObj is set to null,
        * essentially removes the given paramKey from the URL.
        * @method addparameter
        * @private
        * @param {String} paramKey  the parameter (e.g. extent) that was changed
        * @param {Object} paramObj an object representing data that can be serialized into the query parameter
        * of the URL (can be null, in which case the parameter will NOT be included in the URL)
        function addParameter(paramKey, paramObj) {
            if (paramObj === null) {
                parameters[paramKey] = null;
            } else {
                parameters[paramKey] = dojoQuery.objectToQuery(paramObj);
         * Adds an anchor object to a tracking array
         * @method addAnchor
         * @param {String} anchorName a key value for the anchor
         * @param {Object} anchorObj an anchor object
        function addAnchor(anchorName, anchorObj) {
            anchors[anchorName] = anchorObj;
         * Appends information to the current map's URL to create a mailto link. Set the email buttons target URL.
         * @method setNewUrl
         * @param {String} url the base URL that defines the current state of the map
        function setNewUrl(url) {
            var mailToHref = String.format(HREF_MAILTO_TEMPLATE,
                "ECDMP GSI Viewer", // TODO: replace by strings from config
                "Here's a cool map:",  // TODO: replace by strings from config

            getlinkEmailButton.attr("href", mailToHref);

        * Updates the link displayed in the textbox. This function should be called whenever
        * one of the objects that are in the URL query is modified.
        * @method updateURL
        * @private
        function updateURL() {
            var link = baseUrl;

            /* Appends all the query parameters to the link (a query parameter can be
            * excluded by setting it to null) */
            utilDict.forEachEntry(parameters, function (key, value) {
                if (value) { // Value cannot be null or the empty String
                    link += "&" + value;

            // Need to add an extra "&" to the query if we have an anchor, otherwise
            // the last query will contain the anchors
            if (!utilDict.isEmpty(anchors)) {
                link += "&";

            // Anchors have to be at the end
            utilDict.forEachEntry(anchors, function (key, value) {
                link += "#" + value;

            if (isShortLinkMode) {
                if (linkPaneTextbox.is(":visible")) {

                        longUrl: link,
                        success: function (shortUrl) {
                        error: function (err) {
            } else {

        * Toggle the short/long link mode and change the label accordingly
        * @method toggleShortLinkMode
        * @param value {Object}
        * @private
        function toggleShortLinkMode(value) {
            var label;

            isShortLinkMode = value === true ? true : (value === false ? false : !isShortLinkMode);
            label = isShortLinkMode ? "long link" : "short link";

        return {
            * Instantiates a BookmarkLink. Subscribes to all the events that causes
            * the bookmark link to update (e.g. map extent change or feature layer visibility
            * change).
            * @method init
            * @param homePage {String} a string denoting the name of the homePage
            * (e.g. usually "Default.aspx" or "index.html")
            init: function (homePage) {
                var urlObj = new Url(dojoRequire.toUrl(document.location));
                baseUrl = urlObj.uri;

                //adds homePage (e.g. default.aspx or rampmap.aspx) if not present;
                //used in getlink or else the link would be invalid.
                if (baseUrl.indexOf(homePage) === -1) {
                    baseUrl += homePage;
                baseUrl += "?lang=" + GlobalStorage.config.lang;

                queryObject = dojoQuery.queryToObject(urlObj.query);

                // Move the API key to config.json??
                jQuery.urlShortener.settings.apiKey = 'AIzaSyB52ByjsXrOYlXxc2Q9GVpClLDwt0Lw6pc';



            * Subscribe to map state changes so the URL displayed can be changed accordingly.
            *  SUBSCRIBES TO:
                * map "extent-change"
                *   Updates URL when map extent changes
                * EventManager.GUI.FULLSCREEN_CHANGE
                *   Updates URL when map goes into fullscreen mode
                * EventManager.GUI.TAB_SELECTED
                *   Updates URL when tabs are selected
                * EventManager.GUI.PANEL_CHANGE
                *   Updates URL when panel opens/closes
                * EventManager.BasemapSelector.BASEMAP_CHANGED
                *   Updates URL when basemap changed 
                * * ================================================================
                * Subscribe to updates
                * ================================================================
                * To include more information into the query string, do not get the information
                * directly from the object/module of interest, but rather make it publish an
                * event with data to include and subscribe to this event here.
            * @method subscribeAndUpdate
            * @private
            subscribeAndUpdate: function () {
                RampMap.getMap().on(EventManager.Map.EXTENT_CHANGE, function (event) {
                    // Event fields: extent, delta, levelChange, lod;
                    addParameter(EVENT_EXTENT_CHANGE, {
                        xmin: event.extent.xmin,
                        ymin: event.extent.ymin,
                        xmax: event.extent.xmax,
                        ymax: event.extent.ymax,
                        sr: event.extent.spatialReference.wkid

                topic.subscribe(EventManager.FilterManager.SELECTION_CHANGED, function (event) {
                    // selectedCheckboxes is an array, so we need to serialize it first
                    event.selectedCheckboxes = topic.arrayToQuery(event.selectedCheckboxes);

                    addParameter("filter", event);

                topic.subscribe(EventManager.GUI.FULLSCREEN_CHANGE, function (event) {
                    addParameter(EVENT_FULLSCREEN, event);

                topic.subscribe(EventManager.GUI.TAB_SELECTED, function (event) {
                    // Need to remove the "-link" part for the id to work
                    // since when the page first loads, if the tab is deselected,
                    // it's id will be missing the "-link" at the end.
                    addAnchor(EVENT_TAB_CHANGE, event.id.replace("-link", ""));

                topic.subscribe(EventManager.GUI.PANEL_CHANGE, function (event) {
                    addParameter(EVENT_PANEL_CHANGE, {
                        panelVisible: event.visible

                topic.subscribe(EventManager.BasemapSelector.BASEMAP_CHANGED, function (event) {
                    addParameter(EVENT_BASEMAP_CHANGED, {
                        baseMap: event.id

                topic.subscribe(EventManager.FilterManager.GLOBAL_LAYER_VISIBILITY_TOGGLED, function (event) {
                    addParameter(EVENT_FILTER_GLOBAL_LAYER, {
                        globalLayer: event.checked

                    // Remove the active layers query, since these two are mutally exclusive
                    addParameter(EVENT_FILTER_VISIBLE_LAYERS, null);


                topic.subscribe(EventManager.FilterManager.GLOBAL_BOX_VISIBILITY_TOGGLED, function (event) {
                    addParameter(EVENT_FILTER_GLOBAL_BOX, {
                        globalBox: event.checked

                    // Remove the active boxes query, since these two are mutally exclusive
                    addParameter(EVENT_FILTER_VISIBLE_BOXES, null);


                topic.subscribe(EventManager.FilterManager.LAYER_VISIBILITY_TOGGLED, function (event) {
                    var layerName = $(event.node).findInputLabel().data("layer-id");

                    if (event.checked) {
                        visibleLayers[layerName] = true;
                    } else {
                        delete visibleLayers[layerName];

                    if (utilDict.isEmpty(visibleLayers)) {
                        // If we have no visible layers, remove the visible layers parameter
                        // and set global layer to false
                        addParameter(EVENT_FILTER_VISIBLE_LAYERS, null);

                        addParameter(EVENT_FILTER_GLOBAL_LAYER, {
                            globalLayer: false
                    } else {
                        // Otherwise add the visible layers parameter and remove the global layer
                        // parameter
                        addParameter(EVENT_FILTER_VISIBLE_LAYERS, {
                            // Convert an array of string into a "+" delimited string
                            visibleLayers: Object.keys(visibleLayers).join("+")

                        addParameter(EVENT_FILTER_GLOBAL_LAYER, null);


                topic.subscribe(EventManager.FilterManager.BOX_VISIBILITY_TOGGLED, function (event) {
                    var layerName = $(event.node).findInputLabel().data("layer-id");

                    if (event.checked) {
                        visibleBoxes[layerName] = true;
                    } else {
                        delete visibleBoxes[layerName];

                    if (utilDict.isEmpty(visibleBoxes)) {
                        // If we have no visible boxes, remove the visible boxes parameter
                        // and set global box to false
                        addParameter(EVENT_FILTER_VISIBLE_BOXES, null);

                        addParameter(EVENT_FILTER_GLOBAL_BOX, {
                            globalBox: false
                    } else {
                        // Otherwise add the visible boxes parameter and remove the global box
                        // parameter
                        addParameter(EVENT_FILTER_VISIBLE_BOXES, {
                            // Convert an array of string into a "+" delimited string
                            visibleBoxes: Object.keys(visibleBoxes).join("+")

                        addParameter(EVENT_FILTER_GLOBAL_BOX, null);


                // This call is neccessary to fill in the URL in the bookmark link
                // if this call is removed, there will be no URL in the bookmark link
                // until one of the above events fires

            * Publish events based on the query parameter (if any) in the URL.
            * @method updateMap
            updateMap: function () {
                // If there is no query just return
                if (!queryObject) {

                var event,
                // List of objects containing an event name and an event argument. The events should
                // be anything to wait for before publishing a map extent change, it should include
                // anything that will change the size of the map (e.g. fullscreen, closing the panel).
                // If the map extent change occurs BEFORE something that changes the size of the map (e.g. fullscreen)
                // then the map extent will change again.
                    waitList = [],


                // check for selected tab queries
                if (queryObject.selectedTab) {
                    event = {
                        index: queryObject.selectedTab
                    addParameter(EVENT_TAB_CHANGE, event);
                    topic.publish(EVENT_ROOT + EVENT_TAB_CHANGE, event);

                // Toggle the main panel
                if (queryObject.panelVisible) {
                    event = {
                        panelVisible: utilMisc.parseBool(queryObject.panelVisible)
                    addParameter(EVENT_PANEL_CHANGE, event);

                    if (!event.panelVisible) {
                        // NOTE: panel change not triggered here (see map extent change below)
                            publishName: EventManager.GUI.PANEL_TOGGLE,
                            eventArg: {
                                origin: "bootstrapper"
                            subscribeName: EventManager.GUI.PANEL_CHANGE

                // Toggle fullscreen mode
                if (queryObject.fullscreen) {
                    event = {
                        fullscreen: utilMisc.parseBool(queryObject.fullscreen)
                    addParameter(EVENT_FULLSCREEN, event);

                    if (event.fullscreen) {
                        // NOTE: fullscreen not triggered here (see map extent change below)
                            publishName: EventManager.GUI.TOGGLE_FULLSCREEN,
                            eventArg: {
                                expand: true
                            subscribeName: EventManager.GUI.FULLSCREEN_CHANGE

                // Select the correct basemap
                if (queryObject.baseMap) {
                    event = {
                        id: queryObject.baseMap
                    addParameter(EVENT_BASEMAP_CHANGED, event);
                    topic.publish(EventManager.BasemapSelector.TOGGLE, event);

                // check for map extent queries
                if (queryObject.xmin) {
                    event = {
                        xmin: parseFloat(queryObject.xmin.replace(/,/g, "")),
                        ymin: parseFloat(queryObject.ymin.replace(/,/g, "")),
                        xmax: parseFloat(queryObject.xmax.replace(/,/g, "")),
                        ymax: parseFloat(queryObject.ymax.replace(/,/g, ""))

                    addParameter(EVENT_EXTENT_CHANGE, event);

                    if (waitList.isEmpty()) {
                        topic.publish(EventManager.Map.SET_EXTENT, {
                            "extent": new Extent(event)
                    } else {
                        // Wait for things such as fullscreen or panel collapse
                        // to finish before doing an extent change.

                        // Note it's important to subscribe to the events, then
                        // publish them, that's why it was done in such an obscure way
                        // using the waitList (otherwise if we just publish the
                        // event like above, then subscribe to it here, the event
                        // might have completed before reaching this point)
                        var eventNames = dojoArray.map(waitList, function (obj) {
                            return obj.subscribeName;

                        utilMisc.subscribeAll(eventNames, function () {
                            topic.publish(EventManager.Map.SET_EXTENT, {
                                "extent": new Extent(event)

                        dojoArray.forEach(waitList, function (obj) {
                            topic.publish(obj.publishName, obj.eventArg);

                if (queryObject.globalLayer) {
                    topic.publish(EventManager.FilterManager.TOGGLE_GLOBAL_LAYER_VISIBILITY, {
                        visible: utilMisc.parseBool(queryObject.globalLayer)

                    addParameter(EVENT_FILTER_GLOBAL_LAYER, {
                        globalLayer: queryObject.globalLayer
                } else if (queryObject.visibleLayers) {
                    // Doing "else if" here instead of "if" because these two options are exclusive

                    // Turn all layers off
                    topic.publish(EventManager.FilterManager.TOGGLE_GLOBAL_LAYER_VISIBILITY, {
                        visible: false

                    layerIds = queryObject.visibleLayers.split("+");

                    // Then selective turn on the ones that were selected
                    topic.publish(EventManager.FilterManager.TOGGLE_LAYER_VISIBILITY, {
                        layerIds: layerIds

                    addParameter(EVENT_FILTER_VISIBLE_LAYERS, {
                        visibleLayers: queryObject.visibleLayers

                if (queryObject.globalBox) {
                    topic.publish(EventManager.FilterManager.TOGGLE_GLOBAL_LAYER_VISIBILITY, {
                        visible: utilMisc.parseBool(queryObject.globalBox)

                    addParameter(EVENT_FILTER_GLOBAL_BOX, {
                        globalBox: queryObject.globalBox
                } else if (queryObject.visibleBoxes) {
                    // Doing "else if" here instead of "if" because these two options are exclusive

                    // Selective turn on the bounding boxes, no need to turn off all bounding boxes
                    // first since all bounding boxes are off by default

                    layerIds = queryObject.visibleBoxes.split("+");

                    topic.publish(EventManager.FilterManager.TOGGLE_BOX_VISIBILITY, {
                        layerIds: layerIds,
                        checked: true

                    addParameter(EVENT_FILTER_VISIBLE_BOXES, {
                        visibleBoxes: queryObject.visibleBoxes
                // store the small keys as well
                if (queryObject.keys) {
                    // We're not using the smallkeys elsewhere, so the parameter
                    // name doesn't really matter
                    addParameter("smallkeys", {
                        keys: queryObject.keys